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by hikmet 15 years, 9 months ago
Queen Victoria reigned the Great Britain from 1837 to 1901.During her reign Great-Britain became the first colonial power in the world. The population was very happy to have a good queen who made Great-Britain a big country in the world and the empire doubled in size, encompassing Canada, Australia, India and various locales in Africa and the South Pacific. Victoria's long reign witnessed an evolution in English politics and the expansion of the British Empire, as well as political and social changes on the continent.
These changes :
• Industrial revaluation :thanks to ındustrilization, initially wages rose steadily as consumer prices dropped. But the free trade economy rose and fell dramatically in a ‘boom and bust’ cycle, and food scarcities, widespread unemployment and general unhappiness became commonplace .
• The Crisis of Faith: Charles Darwin published his controversial book “On the Origin of Species”. This book had a tremendous impact on the strength of the faith of many Victorians.Because of scientific and evolutionary advances, Victorians rejected modern ideas and clung onto their faith.
• The Woman Question: The ideal Victorian woman was a true “Angel in the Home”.When women married, they lost all civil rights.they had no legal custody of their children or personal property.
• British Imperialism: While some criticised the cold, brutal tactics of the British rule abroad, others saw it as a moral obligation for Britain to expand its influence in the world.
Victorian values
• Victorian England was characterized by extreme class division(upper-low)
• Language separated the upper the lower class.
• Women had no rigths (especially after they married)
• It was the age of progress, stability, great social reforms but it was also charactersised by poverty, injustice and unrest.
• Working hard was very important for improve the society.
Victorian Compromise
It was a complex and contradictory era.Victorian values were based on personal duty, hard work, respectability, charity and philanthropy. These values were called ‘Victorian Compromise’.
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Comments (4)
hikmet said
at 4:02 pm on May 22, 2009
It was a time of change, a time of great upheaval, but also a time of GREAT literature!
hikmet said
at 4:03 pm on May 22, 2009
Against the backdrop of technological, political, and socioeconomic change, the Victorian Period was bound to be a volatile time, even without the added complications of the religious and institutional challenges brought by Charles Darwin and other thinkers, writers, and doers.
hikmet said
at 4:04 pm on May 22, 2009
in the literature from this period, we see a duality, or double standard, between the concerns for the individual (the exploitation and corruption both at home and abroad) and national success- in what is often referred to as the Victorian Compromise.
w_kzbn_w_88@... said
at 6:25 pm on May 26, 2009
In Victorian Age there was a class division and I think this stiuation gave the disorder of the society.Also women did not have any rights I think this was the deficiency in this period.
Kezban Aslan
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