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Page history last edited by Emine Şeyda 15 years, 3 months ago

Hello Second Year EngLit students!!

This year we'll be doing things differently in the English Literature course. Rather than me transmitting lecture notes for you to memorise and reproduce in a written exam, you will be collaborating with your classmates to write your OWN lecture notes!

Each week you will be given questions to research before class, you will work with your peers to put the all information together in class, and then you will complete the assigned pages on this wiki in order for everyone to have access to the information. Of course, you will be tested on your knowledge of your work in a mid-term and final examination, and your contributions to this wiki will be included in the evaluation of your overall performance.

So, happy researching, happy writing...and moreover, enjoy English Literature!!




These are the questions and their takers for the topics we have covered so far. There is more to come.

Please write your answers in the form of a well-structured essay (intro-main body-conclusion) and add your references. You can create your own pages. REMEMBER I want to read what YOU write, not what others have written!






Here are your topics. Everyone has been assigned one. Please add your contributions by 22 May 2009 latest. remember: NO PLAGIARISM!! WRITE YOUR CONTRIBUTIONS IN THE FORM OF AN ESSAY




  1. The Restoration period in English literature was also known the “Neoclassical” or “Augustan” period. Why did England as a nation feel the need to turn back to the classical age of Augustus Caesar? (Meryem Gündüz)
  2. The English Restoration coincided with the Age of Enlightenment. What are the characteristic principles of the Enlightenment, and how did they affect the literature of the time in terms of form and themes? (Hande Şensoy)
  3. Discuss how John Dryden used elements of classical literature in his poem “MacFlecknoe”. (Selda Aksoy)
  4. Jonathan Swift’s essay “A Modest Proposal” is a satire and NOT intended to be taken seriously. Compare and contrast the way in which Swift and Dryden created the satire in “A Modest Proposal” and “MacFlecknoe” respectively, and the purposes of their satires. (Gözde İncekara)
  5. Towards the end of the essay “A Modest Proposal”, the author mentions other solutions to the problems of Irish poverty and overpopulation, beginning with the phrase “Therefore let no man talk to me of other expedients.” He then goes on lengthily about these other expedients. How are the solutions put forward in this paragraph relevant to the current global economic crisis? (Medine Baş)
  6. Jonathan Swift was known to be a misanthropist. How does this reflect in his works? Make references to “A Modest Proposal” and “Gulliver’s Travels”. (Suat Ören)


  1. Compare and contrast the literature of the Restoration and Romantic periods in terms of themes. Illustrate with examples from the works we have studied in class. (Kübra Acar)
  2. What techniques does Coleridge use in his poem “The Rime of the Ancient Mariner” to create the effect of a medieaval ballad? Illustrate your answer with quotations from the poem. (Mürüvvet Taşdemir)
  3. Describe how Coleridge’s poem “The Rime of the Ancient Mariner” exemplifies the “5 ‘I’s” of Romanticism. (Keziban Aslan)
  4. Describe the plot of Coleridge’s “The Rime of the Ancient Mariner” within the framework of the Christian notions of “sinning-suffering-repentance-redemption-penance”. Illustrate your answer with quotations from the poem. (Şennur Köse)
  5. Blake’s poem “London” describes the city in the 18th century, after the industrial revolution in England. The agricultural revolution was also behind the increase in urban population. Research and present the basic facts and effects on English social structure of both the agricultural and industrial revolutions in England. (Ali Yılmaz)
  6. The migration of people from rural to urban areas in Turkey happened in the 1970s and 1980s. What are the driving forces behind this move? What literature has been written about it in Turkish? Find and describe a poem or work similar to Blake’s “London” written about a Turkish context? (Tülin Güler)


  1. Jane Austen is said to have perfected the English novel. When did the novel emerge as a literary form in England? What was the first English novel, and who wrote it? Describe the characteristics of the novel as a literary form. (Meral Doğan)
  2. In many of Jane Austen’s novels (e.g. “Pride and Prejudice”, “Sense and Sensibility”), the idea of the entailment of a father’s property to the nearest male relative is a major concern for her heroines. What was “entailment”? What were the British inheritance laws in the 18th century regarding women? What major changes have occurred in the inheritance law for women to the present date? (Seyhan Kemal)
  3. Individuals adhere to strict rules of social conduct in “Pride and Prejudice”. What are the advantages and the drawbacks of living in such a society? What are the rigid rules of conduct that are part of your social interactions? (Buket Ertem)
  4. Letters have played an important role in the history of the English novel. In Jane Austen’s “Pride and Prejudice”, letters survive as a literary device. How many letters appear in the novel? By whom are they written and to whom? What are their purposes in the plot? (Gizem Karamanoğlu)
  5. One of the themes of “Pride and Prejudice” is marriage, and Austen represents different types of marriage through her characters. Discuss the following marriages and what Austen means them to represent: (Dilek Döner)

©      Mr Bennet-Mrs Bennet

©      Charlotte Lucas-Mr Collins

©      Lydia Bennet-Wickham

©      Jane Bennet-Mr Bingley

©      Elizabeth Bennet-Mr Darcy

  1. Various characters give their opinions on marriage throughout “Pride and Prejudice”. Discuss the following quotations, mentioning how they differ. What is your own opinion on the value and purpose of marriage? (Merve Gül)

©      “If I can but see one of my daughters happily settled at Netherfield….and all the others equally well married, I shall have nothing to wish for.” (Mrs Bennet, I, 3)

©      “My child, let me not have the grief of seeing you unable to respect your partner in life.” (Mr Bennet to Elizabeth, III, 17)

©      “Without thinking highly either of men or of matrimony, marriage had always been her objective; it was the only honourable provision for well-educated young women of small fortune, and however uncertain of giving happiness, must be their pleasantest preservative from want.” (On Charlotte Lucas after she accepts Mr Collins’ proposal of marriage, I, 22)

     7. In her novel “Pride and Prejudice”, Jane Austen satirises the English class system through various characters. Discuss the following characters in terms of class:

§         Mr. Darcy

§         Mr. Bingley

§         Mr. Collins

§         Mrs. Bennet

§         Lady Catherine de Bourgh  (Emel Baytok)




     8. After watching the film “Sense and Sensibility”, discuss the similarities and differences between the plot, setting and characters (focus on Mrs Bennet-Mrs Dashwood;      Elizabeth Bennet-Elinor Dashwood; Mr Darcy-Colonel Brandon; Wickham-Willoughby) of both novels. (Zahide Doni)


  1. Queen Victoria ruled Great Britain for over 60 years (1837-1901), and her reign was a time of great change in the country with the advancement of industrialism and the social reforms that ensued. What social reforms were made? What were “Victorian values”? What was the “Victorian compromise”? (Hikmet Aslan)
  2. What is the phenomenon that the Victorians called “The Woman Question” that emerged in the latter half of nineteenth century Britain? How were Victorian women expected to behave? (Nihal Evren)
  3. Discuss how Charlotte Bronte refuted the Victorian stereotype of women with her character “Jane Eyre”. (Nagehan Çelep)
  4. Edward Rochester from Charlotte Bronte’s “Jane Eyre” and Heathcliff from Emily Bronte’s “Wuthering Heights” are both described as ‘Byronic heroes’. Explain what a ‘Byronic hero’ is and compare these two characters within the framework of this definition. (Burcu Çakır)
  5. Some have said that Alfred, Lord Tennyson’s poem “The Lady of Shallot” represents Victorian expectations of women. Discuss. (Songül Karagüzel)
  6. It has been said that Alfred, Lord Tennyson’s poem “The Lady of Shallot” represents the sacrifices that poets, scientists, artists or scholars have to make in order to be successful. Research Tennyson’s life and relate what sacrifices he had to make as a poet. How does “The Lady of Shallot” represent him? (Selma Çetin)



  1. The First World War as seen on the home front was very different from what was happening on the battlefront. One reason for this was the recruiting posters that represented the war as public duty and patriotic defense. Find 3 recruiting posters; present and describe them; then compare them with Owen’s poem “Dulce et Decorum Est”. (Azime Kaçar)
  2. In what ways was Wilfred Owen an anti-war poet? Discuss:

· Life for soldiers in the trenches during the First World War;

· Wilfred Owen’s own experience of war and how he changed;

· Owen’s view as expressed in his poem “Dulce et Decorum Est”. (Nurhayat Saltık)

  1. Compare and contrast the way in which Wilfred Owen and Rupert Brooke approach the subject of war by referring to their poems “Dulce et Decorum Est” and “The Soldier”. (Nevin Andaş)
  2. Research and present the aspects of Rupert Brooke’s life that may have lead to his optimistic approach to war. (Zafer Ünalan)





  1. The Restoration period in English literature was also known the “Neoclassical” or “Augustan” period. Why did England as a nation feel the need to turn back to the classical age of Augustus Caesar? (Ebru)
  2. The English Restoration coincided with the Age of Enlightenment. How did the Enlightenment affect the literature of the time in terms of form and themes? (Murat)
  3. Discuss how John Dryden used elements of classical literature in his poem “MacFlecknoe”. (Emine Şeyda)
  4. Jonathan Swift’s essay “A Modest Proposal” is a satire and NOT intended to be taken seriously.Compare and contrast the way in which Swift and Dryden created the satire in “A Modest Proposal” and “MacFlecknoe”respectively, and the purposes of their satires. (Saniye)
  5. Towards the end of the essay “A Modest Proposal”, the author mentions other solutions to the problems of Irish poverty and overpopulation, beginning with the phrase “Therefore let no man talk to me of other expedients.” He then goes on lengthily about these other expedients before rejecting them. What is the point of this lengthy discussion? (Demet)
  6. Jonathan Swift was known to be a misanthropist. How does this reflect in his works? Make references to “A Modest Proposal” and “Gulliver’s Travels”. (Hatice E)


  1. Compare and contrast the literature of the Restoration and Romantic periods in terms of themes. Illustrate with examples from the works we have studied in class. (Cumhuriyet)
  2. What techniques does Coleridge use in his poem “The Rime of the Ancient Mariner” to suggest a medieaval ballad? Illustrate your answer with quotations from the poem. (Yeşim)
  3. Describe how Coleridge’s poem “The Rime of the Ancient Mariner” exemplifies the “5 ‘I’s” of Romanticism. (Illustrate your answer with quotations from the poem. (İlyas)
  4. Describe the plot of Coleridge’s “The Rime of the Ancient Mariner” within the framework of the Christian notions of “sinning-suffering-repentance-redemption-penance”. Illustrate your answer with quotations from the poem. (Aysun)
  5. Gothicism became popular during the Romantic period. What is “Gothicism”? What Gothic elements are there in Coleridge’s poem “The Rime of the Ancient Mariner”? (Şenay)
  6. Compare Blake’s “Chimney Sweeper I” with “Chimney Sweeper II”. (Didem)
  7. Compare Blake’s “The Lamb” with “The Tyger”. (Seda)


  1. Jane Austen is said to have perfected the English novel. When did the novel emerge as a literary form in England? What was the first English novel, and who wrote it? (İrem)
  2. In many of Jane Austen’s novels (e.g. “Pride and Prejudice”, “Sense and Sensibility”), the idea of the entailment of a father’s property to the nearest male relative is a major concern for her heroines. What was “entailment”? What were the British inheritance laws in the 18th century regarding women? What major changes have occurred in the inheritance law for women to the present date? (Şeyda)
  3. Individuals adhere to strict rules of social conduct in “Pride and Prejudice”. What are the advantages and the drawbacks of living in such a society? What are the rigid rules of conduct that are part of your social interactions? (Semra)
  4. Letters have played an important role in the history of the English novel, beginning with Richardson’s “Pamela” and “Clarissa”; these epistolary novels consisted almost entirely of letters. In Jane Austen’s “Pride and Prejudice”, letters survive as a literary device. How many letters appear in the novel? By whom are they written and to whom? What are their purposes in the plot? (Hatice Özbaşı)
  5. One of the themes of “Pride and Prejudice” is marriage, and Austen represents different types of marriage through her characters. Discuss the following marriages and what Austen means to represent:

©      Mr Bennet-Mrs Bennet

©      Charlotte Lucas-Mr Collins

©      Lydia Bennet-Wickham

©      Jane Bennet-Mr Bingley

©      Elizabeth Bennet-Mr Darcy (Melike)

  1. Various characters give their opinions on marriage throughout “Pride and Prejudice”. Discuss the following quotations, mentioning how they differ. What is your own opinion on the value and purpose of marriage?

©      “If I can but see one of my daughters happily settled at Netherfield….and all the others equally well married, I shall have nothing to wish for.” (Mrs Bennet, I, 3)

©      “My child, let me not have the grief of seeing you unable to respect your partner in life.” (Mr Bennet to Elizabeth, III, 17)

©      “Without thinking highly either of men or of matrimony, marriage had always been her objective; it was the only honourable provision for well-educated young women of small fortune, and however uncertain of giving happiness, must be their pleasantest preservative from want.” (On Charlotte Lucas after she accepts Mr Collins’ proposal of marriage, I, 22) (Nurdan)

  1. After watching the film “Sense and Sensibility”, discuss the similarities and differences between the plot, setting and characters (focus on Mrs Bennet-Mrs Dashwood; Elizabeth Bennet-Elinor Dashwood; Mr Darcy-Colonel Brandon; Wickham-Willoughby) of both novels. (Fatma)


  1. Queen Victoria ruled Great Britain for over 60 years (1837-1901), and her reign was a time of great change in the country with the advancement of industrialism and the social reforms that ensued. What social reforms were made? What were “Victorian values”? What was the “Victorian compromise”? (Yasemin Yılmaz)
  2. What is the phenomenon that the Victorians called “The Woman Question” that emerged in the latter half of nineteenth century Britain? How were Victorian women expected to behave? (Ayşegül)
  3. Discuss how Charlotte Bronte refuted the Victorian stereotype of women with her character “Jane Eyre”. (Burcu Daşbulak)
  4. Edward Rochester from Charlotte Bronte’s “Jane Eyre” and Heathcliff from Emily Bronte’s “Wuthering Heights” are both described as ‘Byronic heroes’. Explain what a ‘Byronic hero’ is and compare these two characters within the framework of this definition. (Sebahat Torlak)
  5. Both the novels “Pride and Prejudice” and “Jane Eyre” end with marriages. Describing the circumstances of these marriages, compare Jane Austen’s and Charlotte Bronte’s approach to marriage. (Esra Yılma)
  6. Some have said that Alfred, Lord Tennyson’s poem “The Lady of Shallot” represents Victorian expectations of women. Discuss. (Gizem Özgül)
  7. It has been said that Alfred, Lord Tennyson’s poem “The Lady of Shallot” represents the sacrifices that poets, scientists, artists or scholars have to make in order to be successful. Research Tennyson’s life and relate what sacrifices he had to make as a poet. How does “The Lady of Shallot” represent him? (Servet Görür)



  1. The First World War as seen on the home front was very different from what was happening on the battlefront. One reason for this was the recruiting posters that represented the war as public duty and patriotic defense. Find 3 recruiting posters; present and describe them; then compare them with Owen’s poem “Dulce et Decorum Est”. (Kayhan Yılmaz)
  2. In what ways was Wilfred Owen an anti-war poet? Discuss:

· Life for soldiers in the trenches during the First World War;

· Wilfred Owen’s own experience of war and how he changed;

· Owen’s view as expressed in his poem “Dulce et Decorum Est”. (Ali Erdönmez)

  1. Compare and contrast the way in which Wilfred Owen and Rupert Brooke approach the subject of war by referring to their poems “Dulce et Decorum Est” and “The Soldier”. (Öznur)
  2. Research and present the aspects of Rupert Brooke’s life that may have lead to his attitude to war in his poem “The Soldier”. (Onur Acar)






Comments (Show all 64)

Anonymous said

at 6:49 pm on Jan 5, 2009

l think the tragedy of Romeo and Juliet is a very effective play but there are some interesting events in the play,firstly Romeo and Juliet fell in love with each other so suddenly that they thought marrige in church only one day later they saw each other.Secondly when Juliet took potion nobody understood that,l think people should have understood this because there was no reason for her death.And the last one romeo decided to die very suddenly...

Anonymous said

at 10:10 pm on Jan 5, 2009

It's the love of Rome and Juliet that affected me...The end of film was very sudden...It's very early for Romeo to die,he sould have waited a bit more...Also,I got angry with Juliet's nurse.I think the adversity began with her...!

Anonymous said

at 12:36 am on Jan 6, 2009

our interesting topic in this course is the wife of Bath,as we see,it is different from other plays in terms of both life which wife of Bath live and view points to women...It is really interesting and surprising character in that times, maybe Geoffrey Chaucer criticised the society and equality..I loved this woman very much because she shows how women are powerful and they can do whatever they want, especially the number of her husbands is very different..I think The Wife of Bath is a good example of today's woman in terms of good things,of course.....

Anonymous said

at 12:54 am on Jan 6, 2009

after reading something about Beowulf and watching some part of the film,I am pretty impressed by the story...breath-taking sceneries,unexpected messages,perfect performances come together in it..It is really perfect, I loved character Grendel so much,and I can admit that at the end of the film I was very affected especially the scene in which beowulf die is the most tragic one...excellent story..awesome violence..perfect characters... Beowulf...:)

Anonymous said

at 1:03 am on Jan 6, 2009

English Literature is one of the most brillant literature,first of all the old germanic language later anglo-saxons coming ,then english,beowulf,wife of Bath,Romeo and Juliet all are super all are eye-catching,I loved all of them I have learned more things about them I can say that I have learned English Literature and I want to learn more I am sure in other courses I will gain more information about literature and there will be more more interesting things... I love English and I love literature (especially Romeo and Juliet..:))..

Anonymous said

at 11:27 pm on Jan 6, 2009

the love of Romeo and Juliet really affected me very much.but the end of the film wasn't as I expected.ı think romeo shouldn't have died and it it should have ended in a different way...

Anonymous said

at 2:43 pm on Jan 7, 2009

Beowulf,one of the most important masterpieces of English Literature,really affected me!He is herotic,cool and efficient at killing and he is alike the Turkish a bit.
BEowulf is more than a story of blood and war.Themes of vengeance,loyalty and mercy are powerfully entwined with the beginnings of Christianity in southwest Sweden.I also liked the film.It looks epic,thanks to the location of the film in Iceland.Good or evil? Black or white? Shades or grey? The movie delves into the eternal question of who is foe and why do we fight.It is a very important question to ask and to ask often,especially in this modern day!
Not only was the location of the film was wonderful,but the whole film seemed to capture the essence of the primitive time and its people.A fine achievement in cinema.One can tell that the director and the actors put their whole hearts and souls into this memorable work! Ithink it is really worth watching!!!

Anonymous said

at 1:59 pm on Jan 8, 2009

I learned a lot about The English Civil War in the last course.This period includes 1940s and I learned that it was the first time a king was put on trial and was beheaded because the parliament in this period was against the king.Also I learned that these parliamentarians were Puritans and so were against the excesses of the previous regime. So, all theatres were closed and drama was not written.

Anonymous said

at 4:26 pm on Jan 8, 2009

Today I want to mention Romeo&Juliet again,because ıt is the first thing which take my attention so much.We can see how love is important and how a real lower can do eveything,sometimes I think the end of it differently for example; Romeo and Juliet get married they have children and so on...It would be interesting but ıf this end hadn't finished with the death of Romeo and Juliet,ıt wouldn't have taken so much attention..Shekespeare really has done a good job.I can't see another play which is interested by people like Romeo and Juliet...This is the first maybe the last..This is unique...

Anonymous said

at 4:38 pm on Jan 8, 2009

yes,William shakespeare is really a great person,he especially his plays are perfect,when we look at Macbeth,Othello,Hamlet,Romeo and Juliet (e.t.c),we can see how perfect he is ..I want to share one of his sonnets that I like very much,that is;
So am I as the rich, whose blessed key
Can bring him to his sweet up-locked treasure,
The which he will not every hour survey,
For blunting the fine point of seldom pleasure.
Therefore are feasts so solemn and so rare,
Since, seldom coming, in the long year set,
Like stones of worth they thinly placed are,
Or captain jewels in the carcanet.
So is the time that keeps you as my chest,
Or as the wardrobe which the robe doth hide,
To make some special instant special blest,
By new unfolding his imprison'd pride.
Blessed are you, whose worthiness gives scope,
Being had, to triumph, being lack'd, to hope.

That's it..William Shakespeare:))

Anonymous said

at 3:10 am on Jan 9, 2009

William Shakespeare,known by even illiterate people,was really a great person!He not only created some significant masterpieces, but also expanded the dramatic potential of characterisation,plot and language.His works made a lasting impression on later theatre and literature.For example, until Romeo and Juliet,romance had not been viewed as a worthy topic for tragedy.His works heavily influenced later poetry.We can say that such a person not only did important things for art,but encouraged many peeople to be successful.For example he influenced novelists such as Thomas Hardy and Charles Dickens.Another important point is that scholars have identified 20.000 pieces of music linked to Shakespeare's works.Othello and Falstaff are included in them.Furthermore,in his day English grammar and spelling were less easy than they are now and his use of language helped shape Modern English!!!!

Anonymous said

at 3:09 pm on Jan 9, 2009

The first English Drama started in the church so religious themes were used. Drama was banned in the churches after players began to exaggerate and audience became unruly and moved into market place.

Anonymous said

at 3:14 pm on Jan 9, 2009

Beowulf is an example of Old English heroic poem .It is amazing that ıt transmitted orally although ıt consists of 3183 lines.Also, it is only complete Anglo-Saxon heroic epic today.

Anonymous said

at 3:27 pm on Jan 9, 2009

John Milton is one of the Civil War and Interregnum writers.He was Puritan and he rebelled aganist the king.As a child he damaged his eyes.His major work is Paradise Lost and he dictated most of his works since he was blind.

Anonymous said

at 3:31 pm on Jan 9, 2009

Parliamentarians during the Interregnum advocated a plane lifestyle and they closed down all the theatres ,so no drama was written during this period .I think this decision was bad for English Drama.

Anonymous said

at 11:20 pm on Jan 9, 2009

Beowulf is among the most important extant Anglo-Saxon works of literature. It takes place in the 5th and 6th centuries CE, but was written some time between the 8th and 11th centuries.

Anonymous said

at 11:01 pm on Jan 11, 2009

The English author,poet,philosopher,diplomat and courtier,Geoffrey Chaucer,was one of the greatest poets of the late Middle Age and has often been called the father of English poetry .His best-known work is The Wife of Bath which is among the best-known of his Canterbury Tales.The Wife Of Bath gives insight into the role of women in the late Middle Age.She was a very unusual character,especially for the time of the novel!!Firstly,she had five husbands ,four of whom died.In the fourteenth century it was seemingly unacceptable to marry more than once,let alone five times!From another aspect ,however,for a women who hated marriage ,she certainly had a variety of experiences with her many husbands!!=)))

Anonymous said

at 1:23 pm on Jan 12, 2009

Geoffrey Chaucer (c. 1343 – 25 October 1400?) was an English author, poet, philosopher, bureaucrat, courtier and diplomat. Although he wrote many works, he is best remembered for his unfinished frame narrative The Canterbury Tales. Sometimes called the father of English literature, Chaucer is credited by some scholars as the first author to demonstrate the artistic legitimacy of the vernacular English language, rather than French or Latin.

Anonymous said

at 8:08 pm on Jan 12, 2009

1343-1400) British writer. Geoffrey Chaucer has been called "the father of English literature," and he was certainly one of the most famous writers in British literature, known for his "Canterbury Tales."

Anonymous said

at 8:26 pm on Jan 12, 2009

Geoffery Chaucer was more than a "wonderful" or "brilliant man," he was an outstanding writer who confronted, head-on, the issues that many others were afraid to talk about; ideas and themes that were way ahead of his time.

Anonymous said

at 8:29 pm on Jan 12, 2009

i think the wife of bath is the best of its time with its theme.Also the style of satire used in the story is interesting.The woman deserves an applause!..)

Anonymous said

at 9:11 pm on Jan 12, 2009

We want to mention about the language used in the romeo and juliet.Shakespeare uses a variety of poetic forms throughout the play. He begins with a 14-line prologue in the form of a Shakespearean sonnet, spoken by a Chorus. Most of Romeo and Juliet is, however, written in blank verse, and much of it in strict iambic pentameter, with less rhythmic variation than in most of Shakespeare's later plays.In choosing forms, Shakespeare matches the poetry to the character who uses it. Friar Laurence, for example, uses sermon and sententiae forms, and the Nurse uses a unique blank verse form that closely matches colloquial speech.Each of these forms is also moulded and matched to the emotion of the scene the character occupies. For example, when Romeo talks about Rosaline earlier in the play, he attempts to use the Petrarchan sonnet form. Petrarchan sonnets were often used by men to exaggerate the beauty of women who were impossible for them to attain, as in Romeo's situation with Rosaline. This sonnet form is used by Lady Capulet to describe Count Paris to Juliet as a handsome man. When Romeo and Juliet meet, the poetic form changes from the Petrarchan (which was becoming archaic in Shakespeare's day) to a then more contemporary sonnet form, using "pilgrims" and "saints" as metaphors. Finally, when the two meet on the balcony, Romeo attempts to use the sonnet form to pledge his love, but Juliet breaks it by saying "Dost thou love me?" By doing this, she searches for true expression, rather than a poetic exaggeration of their love. Juliet uses monosyllabic words with Romeo, but uses formal language with Paris.

Anonymous said

at 12:25 am on Jan 13, 2009

The term Civil War appears in the singular form but historians divide the war into two or three seperate wars.
The English Civil War was a series of conflicts between Parlimentarians and Royalists.The first and second civil wars pitted the supporters of King Charles I against the supporters of the Long Parliament, and the third war saw fighting between supporters of King Charles II and supporters of the Rump Parliament.
The civil war ended with the Parliamentary victory at the Battle of Worchester on 3 september 1651..

The English Civil War was not a long continious war.Armies lacked mobility and the time taken to collect the most important equipment meant that there were long periods of time when no fighting was taking place although England was at war at the time.The weather was also a very effective factor in fighting.There were only tracks on the roads and the winter was so harsh that it prevented them from fighting easily !!Therefore moving any armies would be very very difficult..As a conclusion, no war in the history has ended easily and no outcome without blood!!NO WAR!!!

Anonymous said

at 12:28 am on Jan 13, 2009

Thomas Hobbes,one writer representing the Civil War period,found some fundamental questions about the nature of state power in the Civil War in England.He has a theory called Leviathan,so he didnt want a society as a monster made up of in numerable human beings.

Anonymous said

at 12:36 am on Jan 13, 2009

John Bunyan is one of the most important writers in the Civil War Period.In his middle ages he was a preacher but was imprisoned for 12 years because of not having a licence.During this time he wrote his allegorical novel The Pilgrim's Progress which tells on the journey of a Christian Pilgrim to heaven.This novel is very famous and became translated over the world.

Anonymous said

at 12:52 am on Jan 13, 2009

John Milton wrote his poem for he didn't have a happy life and for he was a blind.Just to me he thought when he wrote his poem he would be very famous and eveyone would know him in his poem he used biblical content and also he comman expression with the audience.l think although he was an ambitious person he couldn't predict his future.

Anonymous said

at 1:01 am on Jan 13, 2009

Thomas Hobbes is one of the interregnum writers in English Literature.He tried to answer some questions about his political theory "Leviathan".He didn't want a society in which people fought with each other.He thought that war makes people's life poor brutish and short.

Anonymous said

at 1:07 am on Jan 13, 2009

john bunyan is one of the most wonderful writers although he had received a very inadequte education.He conceived of his allegorical novel.The pilgrim's progress is very famous over the world.ln the novel tells the journey of a cristian pilgrim.lt still survives in a lot of languages even today.

Anonymous said

at 10:01 am on Jan 13, 2009

I loved the story of Rome & juliet.Romeo showed people the power of love.He really devoted his love to Juliet.But i agree wiht my friends.His death was an early death.He could wait.Also, i appreciate the Shakespeare.Both his language and his story is still comprehensible today.

Anonymous said

at 4:22 pm on Jan 13, 2009

An explosive beginning and a tragic ending, with all characters Romeo&juliet is very impressive.The story makes you sensitive.The ending of the play seems very tragic and not realistic.I thought that it is the worst thing in the world which could happen, but whatever we say about its shortages it is the most beatiful love story in the world.

Anonymous said

at 8:25 pm on Jan 13, 2009

In Leviathan, Hobbes set out his doctrine of the foundation of states and legitimate governments - based on social contract theories. Leviathan was written during the English Civil War; much of the book is occupied with demonstrating the necessity of a strong central authority to avoid the evil of discord and civil war.
Suheyla Asma

Anonymous said

at 8:26 pm on Jan 13, 2009

In Leviathan, Hobbes set out his doctrine of the foundation of states and legitimate governments - based on social contract theories. Leviathan was written during the English Civil War; much of the book is occupied with demonstrating the necessity of a strong central authority to avoid the evil of discord and civil war.
Suheyla Asma

Anonymous said

at 9:33 pm on Jan 13, 2009

John Bunyan is one of the civil war perıod writers.He wrote The Pilgrim's Progress, in two parts, of which the first appeared at London in 1678, begun during his imprisonment in 1676; the second in 1684.He tells about an allegory of Christian's journey from the City of Destruction to the Celestial City. lt is written in a prose that unites biblical eloquence with the clarity of common speech, and is the most successful allegory ever written.It is read in all literary languages and is a worldclassic.
Suheyla Asma

Anonymous said

at 9:47 pm on Jan 13, 2009

John Milton is a civil war perıod writer.Paradise lost is one of his famous work.His great epic (1667) is built on the story that in the Bible and in the classical tradition through which Western men and women have sought to understand the meaning of their experience of life and the creation of the world and of Adam and Eve.I think he was an effective writer when it is thought that he was blind.

Anonymous said

at 9:52 pm on Jan 14, 2009

One of the greatest poets of the English language, best-known for his epic poem PARADISE LOST (1667). Milton's powerful, rhetoric prose and the eloquence of his poetry had an immense influence especially on the 18th-century verse. Besides poems, Milton published pamphlets defending civil and religious rights.
Meral Doğan

Anonymous said

at 10:10 pm on Jan 14, 2009

Romeo and juliet is written by William Shakespeare. It is a story about two lovers called Romeo and juliet;whose lives end in a tragedy. There are many reasons why the tragedy occured. The feud between the Capulet’s and the Montague’s is largely responsible fort he tragedy of Romeo and Juliet. However, there are a number of factors that may be considered to be responsible. Some characters unintentionally influenced the course of the tragedy by not thinking rationally and having only good intentions. However, otherother factors and characters are responsible fort he tragedy by acting out of vengeance and hatred. The feud between the two households, Montague and Capulet, underlines the entire tragedy and is the most responsible for the deaths of Romeo and Juliet. The feud was the setting of the tragedy. Without it, Romeo and Juliet would never have had to keep their marriage and love a secret. The story expresses this through part of the openning chorous. I think this is the best way of making this play interesting.
Meral Doğan

selma çetin said

at 9:56 pm on May 28, 2009

of course; the lady of shallot...really i was very impressed.i don't know the reason of this but really it perfect.The Lady of Shallot is one of my favourite poems, but I dont think it has any hidden meanings. I think it is just a 'fairy story.' At the beginning the Lady of Shallot is quite content to weave the mirror's magic sights, by night and by day. Her only 'care' is that she knows that there is a curse on her and if she looks towards Camelot something bad will happen to her, though she is not sure what. The ending is really sad but beautiful at the same time, as Sir Lancelot comes to see her and comments on how lovely her face is. If she had been living this would have been an answer to her dreams, but it is too late because she has died :-(

selma çetin said

at 10:05 pm on May 28, 2009

and sense and sensibility...love is everything.every work whose subject is love is perfect :-) I think Colonel Brandon was more sensible than Willoughby. In my opinion Willoughby and Marianne were both too passionate for each other. Their relationship is a good example of what not to do. They let their feelings get away from them and they were so deeply in love before they had the chance to realize that they weren't right for each other. Two very passionate people cannot go together. Though sometimes it can workout alright.But when dealing with two people as passionate as these, I think the phrase "opposites attract" applies. Marianne needed someone stable like the Colonel (or a Mr. Darcy) to balance her out her emotions. And Willoughby would need someone more sensible and stable with her emotions than Marianne (someone like Elizabeth Benett).

selma çetin said

at 10:15 pm on May 28, 2009

to be honest i didnt like pride and prejudice.why jane is interested in this subject(love)?sense and sensibility is enough i think...maybe it is because it's because it was written 130 years before the feminist movement began... also it has some confusing theme.it is not obvious who loves whom.i m sorry poor work:-(

selma çetin said

at 10:22 pm on May 28, 2009

jane eyre..She is indepedent becasue she does not look to just marry a man to fincially support her, she goes out and finds a job to make her own money and provide for herself. She has no one else to rely upon so she rely's on herself.

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